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C024a An Early Derby Floral Decorated Platter

Ref: C024a
Date: 1810
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 14.25" x 10.25"
Price: $440
C011 Three 19th Century Spode ‘Greek’ Pattern Dinner Plates.

Ref: C011
Date: 1815
Quantity: 3
Dimensions: 10" dia
Price: $495
B925 A Crown Derby Porcelain Company Dessert Service

Ref: B925
Date: 1888
Quantity: A set
Dimensions: various
Price: $850
B926 A John Rose Coalport Tea Service

Ref: B926
Date: 1815
Quantity: A set
Dimensions: various
Price: $1,175
B876s A Forty Piece Early Spode Tea Set

Ref: B876s
Date: 1810
Quantity: Forty piece set
Dimensions: various
Price: $1950
B822 Six Early 19th Century Porcelain Coffee Cans

Ref: B822
Date: 1810
Quantity: set of six
Dimensions: 2.5
Price: 395
B846 A Mahogany Tantalus with Key and Four Wine labels

Ref: B846
Date: 1900
Quantity: 1
Price: $465
B847 A Minton Greek Pattern Decorated Platter

Ref: B847
Date: 1815
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 19
Price: $895
B586 A Mason’s Ironstone China Schoolhouse Pattern Jug

Ref: B586
Date: 1825
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 8 inches high
Price: $350
B700b A Blue and White Transfer Printed Coffee Pot of Classical Form

Ref: B700b
Date: 1830
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 10.25
Price: $375
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